
Permission Requests

Thank you for your interest in sharing excerpts of works published by Ignatius Press. 

To request copyright permission to republish or share portions of our works in trade books, classes, or other means, please submit a request through the Copyright Clearance Center’s website: You can learn more about their marketplace at the Marketplace Buyer Resource Center

Please note that we consider most excerpts under 500 words to fall under fair use. However, we ask that you ensure permission before releasing your work. Fees may apply. In all cases, we ask that you acknowledge Ignatius Press as the original publisher of the book in the front matter of your work, or as a citation. 

To request permission to use excerpts from the Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition, of the Bible, please email your request to Laura Shoemaker: Your request will be processed in chronological order, and may require signature of a permission license. This process may take several weeks, but will be taken care of in due course.

Your request should include: 

Total number of verses you wish to use
Total word count of verses you wish to use
Total word count of your entire forthcoming book
Retail price of your forthcoming book
Print run of your forthcoming book 

For more information, or to inquire with specific questions, email Thank you!

To show movies at your parish, email Nikki Proctor.