Product Overview
Image of God second edition, Who Loves Me Always? is a
curriculum for second grade students preparing them for the
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. As a
Perform-a-text, the student textbook combines text and
activity in one book. Clear, comprehensive and interesting
presentation of the Catholic Faith based on seven key
concepts: God, Creation, Christ, Church, Grace, Sacraments
and Commandments. Stories from Scripture and the lives of
the saints give students Catholic role models and examples
of living the faith. The lessons emphasize God's mercy and
love through the story of salvation history, the coming of
Jesus as our Savior, and through the Sacraments as meetings
with Jesus. Through imitating the various saints' lives
that are studied, the students see how they can act as
images of God. Special focus is given to understanding the
parts of the Mass and participating fully in the
celebration of the Mass. The lessons are complimented by
colorful illustrations.
Teacher's manuals are very detailed, thorough and full of practical ideas.
- Review questions stimulate classroom dialogue and help children verbalize what they have learned
- Liturgical and Holiday lessons help children participate in the Church year. Prayer service suggestions build a spirit of community as children pray together spontaneous and formal prayersLiving the Lesson sections relates concepts of faith to everyday living
The new Teacher's Manual includes cross-referencing to the CCC, inserted reproductions of the Student text, vocabulary words, choice of activities, and suggestions for additional stories, DVD's and music to enhance the lessons. The Appendix contains prayers to know, Unit Family Notes as take home material to stimulate family discussions and activities, plus lesson and unit review worksheets that may be used as gradable material to assess the students comprehension.
Product Samples
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