
Prayers for Catholic Men



Out of Stock expected Mar 31st 2025

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Product Details

Product Code:
Out of Stock expected Mar 31st 2025
Publication date:
February 27, 2025
8.14 oz
All Categories

Product Overview

This is a simple, comprehensive guide for men seeking to grow daily in their relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ.  It introduces men to the rhythm of prayer throughout their entire day - from the moment they wake to their last conscious thought. It offers quick insights and prayers for common concerns facing men throughout their day/life.  It also introduces men to traditional devotional practices and prayers of the Church.

Prayers for Catholic Men supports men in their primary vocations in life and assists them in dealing with the attendant concerns and stresses.  It introduces men to the spiritual riches of an active daily prayer life.  Unlike the many “self-help” books filled with platitudes, this book offers assistance in achieving that for which man’s heart is truly restless – love, peace and joy that only comes from a good relationship with God.

The beauty of Prayers for Catholic Men is its simple efficacy.  The guide is written for every man at every moment of every day.  Being a handy pocketbook size, it is meant to travel with a man to work/school and home again. It shoots straight and does not pontificate.  It is loving, but not “sappy.” It does not require the reader to be a theologian, but neither does it “talk-down” to its audience. It meets a man right where he is and helps bring him to where he wants to be.

Editorial Reviews

“Prayer should be simple and intimate. Jesus seemed to think so when he taught us the Our Father! Mike brings men into prayer in a way that’s simple, accessible, and powerful. Instead of theorizing about ‘how to,” he simply walks you through it!”
— Chris Stefanick, Speaker, Author, Founder/President of Real Life Catholic

"St. John Paul II said, ‘A Christian who does not pray is a Christian at risk.’ These prayers and meditations can be a springboard for men to enter deeply into a relationship with God so they can be the light that is needed in this present darkness."
— Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens, Bishop of Crookston, MN

"Mike Pacer has a close friendship with God. The foundation of that is his prayer life. He has prepared a treasure chest of prayers that will help you to also deepen your own friendship with God. Take advantage of this great resource!"
—  Dan Donaldson, President, Heroic Men


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