
Theology For Beginners (Digital)


Audio Book

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The acclaimed Catholic writer and apologist Frank Sheed presents one of the most clear and outstanding explanations of the central doctrines of the Christian faith ever written. He starts with a compelling case of good reasons for anyone to study theology, and the wonderful rewards that accompany such a pursuit.

After explaining how God is Spirit, Sheed examines God's infinity and man's creation from nothing. He then covers in depth such key doctrines as the Trinity, the Fall, the Incarnation and Redemption, the Mystical Body, Grace and the Sacraments, and the Last Things. For those to whom these doctrines seem formidable, Sheed brings a fresh approach with lucid and carefully reasoned prose. His beautiful insights and clear explanations will help stir our minds to the inspiring truth of the spiritual realities at the center of human existence.

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