
Melissa Ohden

Melissa Ohden is a sought after speaker, author and advocate. Her experience of surviving a saline infusion abortion and being united with many members of her biological family initially led her to this life's work, but connecting with other abortion survivors, mothers, and families impacted by failed, stopped and reversed abortions is what has truly ignited her passion.

Melissa is the author of the 2018 Christianity Today award-winning, You Carried Me: A Daughter's Memoir, that vulnerably shares her journey of adoption, finding out her story, and ultimately healing and growing to a place of forgiveness and love, embracing her story and her purpose.

She is the Founder and Director of The Abortion Survivors Network, the only support and advocacy organization for abortion survivors and their families world-wide. Melissa and her team have connected with nearly 700 abortion survivors as of October 2023.


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