
The Catholic Church and the Bible (Digital)

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April 29, 2011
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Religious Ed

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Are Catholics biblical illiterates? ; So goes the frequent ; question, proving that myths die hard. But Catholics ought ; to be able to answer the charge made by many non-Catholics ; in this regard. This book is a response to Fundamentalist ; critics and an explanation of the Catholic biblical ; tradition.

The Catholic Church and the ; Bible is a significant scriptural study ; guide, published from a Catholic perspective and ; particularly keyed to the new Catechism of the Catholic ; Church. The well-planned, straight-forward text is ; clearly outlined to make information easy to find and ; understand. Main topics include:

  • The Catholic ; understanding of the Bible
  • God's Word and its ; purpose in the Church
  • A biblical theology of the ; Mass, the place of the Bible in the Sacred Liturgy ;
  • A question-and-answer section that deals with ; pertinent and popular inquiries made by Catholics and ; non-Catholics alike

This work should be ; heartily welcomed by both clergy and laity, for Father ; Stravinskas sheds new light on Catholic Bible study by ; writing with candor, clarity and scriptural backing. This ; is ideal for high schools and RCIA programs.

"An ; excellent tool for the Catholic apologist. The reader has ; everything in one place: pithy answers plus biblical and ; magisterial citations. Fr. Stravinskas is the best ; priest-apologist in the country."
-Karl ; Keating, Author, Catholicism and ; Fundamentalism

Fr. Peter M.J. ; Stravinskas is the well-known editor of the ; The Catholic Answer magazine, a contributing ; editor to National Catholic Register, and has ; written over 500 articles for numerous Catholic ; publications.