
The Man Who Left His Mark (Digital)

How Mark's Gospel Answers Modern Questions

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In this unusual book on the Gospel of Mark, the brilliant and prolific Peter Kreeft presents 252 contemporary questions that modern man asks about every aspect of the meaning of life, faith, love, suffering, friendship, death, eternity, God, Jesus and more.

He then gives an answer to each question taken directly from Mark's Gospel, which are always pointed and often suprising, and makes us ponder more deeply about the meaning of the Scripture passage in relation to our own lives. Kreeft says that Mark's Gospel is "the quickest and 'busiest' of the four – the Gospel for Americans." He describes the book as "a series of sudden shocks and surprises because that is how Jesus appeared to Mark and others who followed him – full of shocks and surprises."

Kreeft's goal of this book is for us to allow Jesus to speak more directly to us, to answer our questions in a personal and profound way, so that we will learn more about ourselves, and about Him. And thus how to know, love and follow Him more closely in our lives.

Editorial Reviews

"Peter Kreeft describes this as a 'Ponder-Book'; I will call it a 'Provoke-Book'! The brisk, incisive Q&A format will provoke careful readers to pursue a deeper relationship with Christ and a more profound understanding of the Faith."
— Carl Olson, Editor, Catholic World Report

"How would Jesus answer today's most burning questions? We don't have to guess, because Christ's words in the Gospels remain active and alive today. The Gospels are filled with answers. But we need help pairing the right answers to the right questions, and that's what Peter Kreeft does in this splendid book, which reads like a Christian Midrash for the Gospel of Mark. Pick it up and ponder the big questions with history's greatest mind, Jesus, and one of his wisest disciples, Peter Kreeft."
— Brandon Vogt, Editor, Wisdom & Wonder: How Peter Kreeft Shaped the Next Generation of Catholics


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