
Thomas Aquinas

Selected Commentaries on the Old Testament



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Product Details

Product Code:
Size (HxW):
9.25 x 6.25 (in)
Publication date:
September 26, 2024
17 oz
All Categories

Product Overview

Thomas Aquinas’s Old Testament commentaries remain some of his most neglected writings due partly to the widely varying quality of both the commentaries themselves and their English translations, which often retain the terseness and opacity of the original Latin manuscripts. Nevertheless, Thomas’s corpus of Old Testament commentaries contains some of his finest biblical exegesis and theology. Within them, we find dimensions of his thought and literary personality that do not appear in any of his other writings.

This volume aims to promote appreciation for Thomas’s Old Testament exegesis by making his best commentaries more accessible. To this end, it offers a topically organized selection of the most theologically profound lectures from his premier Old Testament commentaries—those on the Psalms, Job, and Isaiah. Moreover, the translations used in this collection have undergone extensive editing and revision to enhance their accuracy, elegance, clarity, stylistic consistency, and overall readability. Lastly, hundreds of explanatory footnotes have been added to facilitate study, along with two indices and a bibliography.

Editorial Reviews

“This volume presents select texts from Aquinas’s commentaries on Psalms, Job, and Isaiah, focusing on the most beautiful passages that unveil the mystery of God, His nature, wisdom, and justice in relation to human experiences such as suffering and admiration for the beauty of the created world. In its pages, the reader encounters theological masterpieces that seek to convey the richness of the Word of God bestowed upon the Church. For St. Thomas, the Bible is not just one of many books of ancient wisdom but a testimony of God’s revelation, a living Word that grows with its readers, as Gregory the Great observed. Surely, it will also grow in the heart of anyone who picks up this book.”
— Piotr Roszak, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

“‘The Sacred Scriptures manifest the heart of Christ,’ St. Thomas writes in commenting on Psalm 21. Deeply formed by the religious and liturgical life of the Order of Preachers, Thomas taught this saving truth, these ‘words of eternal life’ to his students. Carefully selected from his Old Testament commentaries, this volume introduces the reader to the heart of God’s message as studied and meditated upon by a saintly theologian. Jason Paone is to be highly recommended for selecting and opening up to readers the immense wealth and depth of St. Thomas’s biblical commentaries. I hope these volumes find a place and use in every household.”
— Jörgen Vijgen, Member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas

“Jason Paone has selected passages from St. Thomas’s Old Testament commentaries that can help his reader read Sacred Scripture more deeply and more fruitfully. With Paone’s skillful topical organization, we see how the mysteries of the Old Testament illuminate the deepest realities of the faith. The luminous clarity of St. Thomas’s mind is once again placed in the service of the faithful in these selections. This is a book to be taken to prayer.”
— John F. Boyle, Professor of Catholic Studies and Theology, University of St. Thomas


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