
Before Austen Comes Aesop (Digital)

The Children’s Great Books and How to Experience Them

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Editorial Reviews

"A foundational resource for any educator who wants to give children an expansive imagination, and an easy go-to when looking for the next book to pick up!"
— Christy Isinger, Co-Host, Fountains of Carrots Podcast

"This is an extraordinarily well-developed guide to young readers' literature. It is a treasure trove of painstaking research, pedagogical insight, and the author's wisdom. Parents, librarians, home educators and public educators, indeed anyone who cares about the healthy formation of children, and the fostering of a wholesome culture, will recognize this book as an invaluable resource."
— Michael O'Brien, Author, Father Elijah: An Apocalypse

"A thoughtful and comprehensive self-guided literature program. This classical literature approach will help guide parents, teachers, and students with designing their program in a way that bridges adult classics with children’s classics. Describing the importance of each literary work, Cheri compellingly details the qualities and values each one offers."
— Jessica Gordon, Blogger, Shower of Roses and Catholic Cuisine

"Never again will parents need to grope in the dark and grapple with numerous lists of various quality to work out which books should form an indispensable part of their child's education. Everything that any discerning parent needs to know is found in the pages of this book, not merely which classics children should read but why and how they should read them."
— Joseph Pearce, Author, Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know 

"The aim of this volume is to nurture lifelong readers who appreciate the art of truly good literature. If we can do that, I firmly believe we have given children the best we can offer to prepare them for rigorous academics and for real life."
— Elizabeth Foss, Founder, Take Up & Read

"Blomquist expresses a rarely acknowledged truth: that great children's books are no less great than their grown-up counterparts and skipping over them does a disservice to our children and ourselves. It's worth buying this book for Blomquist's list and summaries of the children's canon alone!"
— Sally Read, Poet and Author, Annunciation: A Call to Faith in a Broken World


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