
Catholic Heroes of Civil and Human Rights (Digital)

1800s to Present

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 This inspiring work profiles sixteen Catholic men and women--lay and religious, canonized saints and ordinary car mechanics---who defied all odds to advance civil and human rights since the turn of the eighteenth century.

Ranging from the birth of the United States to the current immigration crisis at the United States-Mexico border, this survey features men and women whose faith drove them to courageously defend the dignity of the children of God, especially the most vulnerable. In doing so, they transformed others’ lives and paved the way for a more loving and equitable society.

Supported by official Church documents, each chapter is themed on one of the pillars of the natural law foundations of human rights—freedom, perseverance, hope, justice, and conscience. These short, readable, yet insightful biographies of figures who exemplify each pillar demonstrate how the teachings of Christ, through his Church, can drive ordinary believers to an extraordinary deeds.

Among the sixteen heroes in this book are former slave Venerable Father Augustus Tolton, Austrian farmer and martyr Blessed Franz Jagerstatter, Native American catechist Nicholas Black Elk, Servant of God Dorothy Day, St. Katharine Drexel, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Oscar Romero, former slave and later entrepreneur and philanthropist Venerable Pierre Toussaint and teacher, evangelist, and singer Sister Thea Bowman. 

Editorial Reviews

“As a member of the US Bishops’ Committee on Religious Liberty, I highly encourage everyone to read this book. The men and women who are profiled in this book are heroic examples of leaders who stood up for civil and human rights in the face of great opposition, and whose lives and voices need to be heard today more than ever. They remind us that we are all called to be points of light in a world that seems to have forgotten the basic tenants of human justice, peace and civil rights.” 
Most Reverend James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln Nebraska

“From the American and French Revolutions in the late 1700s and early 1800s the modern world sprang forth. The ensuing 1900s became the most violent in history. Western culture was turned upside-down and continues to exhibit fatal symptoms of complete collapse. The two World Wars are indisputable signs of suicidal germs incubating within the heart of Europe and North America. This book elaborates on how Catholic women and men over the ensuing eras responded to the cataclysms. Its author, Roxanne King, with whom I had the privilege of cultivating Christ’s fields in the Archdiocese of Denver, has brought forth a varied and rich harvest. From seeds of the natural law five fruits emerged: freedom, perseverance, hope, justice and conscience. With the Church’s teachings on these five gifts, the author’s hope is that the Catholic imagination may be revivified. The integrated and mature witness of the Catholics from a variety of historical backgrounds that she elaborates upon in the book offers a fertile field for a reader’s hope to grow and prosper.”
J. Francis Cardinal Stafford, Archbishop Emeritus of Denver

“This book tells the inspiring stories of sixteen hidden figures, men and women who changed history by their belief that every person is a child of God, created with transcendent dignity and rights that must be defended and promoted. King gives us a timely reminder that our faith in Jesus calls us to serve our brothers and sisters in need, to care for the weak and vulnerable, and to struggle against social injustices and other threats to the sanctity and dignity of human life.” 
Most Reverend José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles 

“A call to holiness and action, Catholic Heroes of Civil and Human Rights demonstrates the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of common, humble, and compassionate men and women whose deep faith led them to seek dignity and justice for all. May its rich diversity of narratives empower readers with the courage to promote the truth about our fundamental identity as sons and daughters of God the Father.”
Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila, Archbishop of Denver

“’Hero’ is a heavily overused word in recent years, but the extraordinary Catholic men and women profiled in this wonderful text — from Julia Greeley, Katharine Drexel, and Nicholas Black Elk, to Oscar Romero, Dorothy Day, and Franz Jägerstätter — richly deserve the title. In Catholic Heroes of Civil and Human Rights, Matt Daniels and Roxanne King show us in flesh and blood examples the essence of perseverance and hope in the face of profound challenges; the nature of justice; and the meaning of Christian conscience. Concise and eminently readable, it’s a timely and invaluable invitation to join in the Christian task of sanctifying the world.”
Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop Emeritus of Philadelphia

Catholic Heroes of Human & Civil Rights is a helpful educational resource that introduces readers to individuals who embody many of the best teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. These heroes challenge all of us to respect the call of Christ to show mercy and compassion to all who suffer.”
Danielle Brown, Director of the Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

“Through meticulous research and compelling storytelling, Matthew Daniels’ Catholic Heroes of Human & Civil Rights has illuminated remarkable contributions of Catholic heroes in the unyielding fight for civil and human rights. This book not only honors the legacy of these phenomenal individuals, but also inspires us to continue their mission of justice and compassion. Matt has achieved a truly enlightening read that underscores the profound impact of faith-driven activism.”
Dr. Christopher Pichon, Supreme Knight & Chief Executive Officer, Knights of Peter Claver, Inc.

“The African American and Native American communities have been blessed with many outstanding examples of faith, hope, and love in action. Catholic Heroes of Civil & Human Rights offers an good introduction to the lives of some of these inspiring men and women who have been champions for the cause of human dignity, equality and justice in our world.”
Fr. Maurice Henry Sands, Executive Director, Black and Indian Mission Office

“Some of the Catholic Heroes of Civil and Human Rights featured in this inspiring book are well known to most Catholics. Some are on the path to being declared saints. Others are ordinary men and women who somehow found the strength and courage to live in truth and call good and evil by name when their circumstances demanded it. In this, our own time of testing, every Catholic reader will find encouragement in their stories.”
Prof. Mary Ann Glendon, Professor of Law Emerita at Harvard University

Only faith and a deep sense of justice could bring together such different souls. Mothers Mary Elizabeth, Mary Lange, and Theresa; Henriette, Dorothy, Katharine, Father Gus, Julia, Black Elk, Sister Norma, Archbishop O’Boyle, Franz, Pierre… and many other quiet, silent and unknown heroes “transcended racism, injustice, and suffering by serving the oppressed.” Throughout these splendid pages, Matt Daniels proves to all peoples of all places and all times that God is right, and that the words of St John of the Cross are more relevant in today’s divided world than ever before: ”Where there is no love, put love, and you will draw out love.”
Prof Luis G Franceschi, Assistant Secretary-General, The Commonwealth

“Matt Daniel’s work towards an end to racism in the United States, built on the solid foundations of the leadership of Martin Luther King, is irresistibly convincing. Catholic Heroes of Civil & Human Rights should be considered a basic element of education for all parochial school students so they can be exposed to the true and inspiring stories of those whose lives embody the teachings of the Church regarding human dignity and the importance of advocating for the fundamental rights and freedoms of those who are poor, powerless and facing suffering and oppression in our world. The Catholic adults of tomorrow, thus educated, will be able to lead the way towards justice and peace and the eradication of political manipulation of race.”
—Christine de Marcellus Vollmer, Vice President, John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family

"In 1956, the future President JF Kennedy published his Profiles in Courage. It set out to show that, despite individual frailties, politics could still produce people of courage and integrity.  A similar approach is adopted in this 2024 biographical collection which profiles individual Catholics who have championed civil and human rights. It’s good to be challenged not to become incapacitated by our self-evident human weakness; reminded of ordinary men and women have heroically responded to Jesus' call to be “salt and light”; to see how others have become fearless voices for the voiceless real "signs of contradiction” in society which St. John Paul II urged Catholic to become."
Professor David Alton, Member of the U.K. House of Lords, UK Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights

“An enlightened and motivated Soul can change the world. In this book are the stories of such Souls. Spurred on by their faith, they pursue passionately the cause of their heart, feeling it is also the cause of God’s Heart. Freedom of faith, that human right of the Soul, allows the power and revelation of God to take action through us all. Here you read the stories of hearts on fire that become God’s hands and feet amongst men and women, leading to earth changing reforms. Read and be inspired!”
Sam Brownback, Former U.S. Senator, former Governor of Kansas, and former U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom

Catholic Heroes of Civil & Human Rights is a tribute to and a chronicle of the lives of extraordinary men and women. Each of is a “hero” because they were, first, “good and faithful servants,” called by faith, to support the inherent dignity and worth of each person. By doing so, each of them forever changed the communities they served.”
Robert A. Destro, Professor of Law, Catholic University of America Law School, Former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

"Inspiration is a gift we receive from those who courageously live out the Gospel injunction to love our neighbor, especially when that task is not easy. Matt Daniels has provided a most welcome summary of the inspiring lives of historic and contemporary Catholic men and women who loved the Lord and sought to bring racial justice and social harmony to a world afflicted by hateful racist attitudes. Love conquers all, as the lives of these heroes demonstrates."
Fr. Gerald E. Murray, Pastor, St. Joseph's Church, New York, NY, Author and Commentator

“The Catholic Human Rights Revolution has changed the world for the better while bearing a powerful witness to the truths taught by the Lord Jesus. Matt Daniels and Roxanne King introduce us here to some nonviolent Catholic revolutionaries well worth meeting and pondering.” 
George Weigel, Distinguished Senior Fellow and William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies Ethics and Public Policy Center

“Illuminating and inspirational! Contained within these heroic stories are glowing gems of virtuous living—nuggets that can be mined by all who strive to serve God by serving others with the care and justice due every human being. Diligently researched and beautifully written in an engaging, approachable style, this book shines the light on role models who blazed paths through an often too-dark world.” 
Claudia Cangilla McAdam, MTh, Author, The Wordless Weaver and The Miracle of the August Snow

“To mark the 40th Anniversary of the U.S. Black Bishops' historic challenge to the whole Church, this delightful book by Matt Daniels and Roxanne King first shows how other shepherds from Gregory the Great to Benedict XVI have used words to define five pillars of Catholic social thought, and then surrounds us with a multicolored flock, gathered from varied times and quarters, who define those same pillars with the flesh and blood of lives filled with love for all God's children.”
Blaine Burkey, OFM Cap., Author, In Secret Service of the Sacred Heart: Life and Virtues of Julia Greeley

Catholic Heroes of Civil and Human Rights offers a rousing look at Christians whose lives are a       living Gospel. Meet diverse Catholics from the 19th century forward actively engaged with a changing society, courageously defending human dignity and promoting social justice in their unique ways. The steadfast Christians encountered in this book will surely inspire you to a greater love of God and neighbor.”
Fr. Nilson Leal de Sá, C.B., J.C.D., S.T.L., Author, God’s Ongoing Gifts to the Church

This well-written, carefully researched account of sixteen exemplars of Catholic civil and human rights deserves a wide readership because it demonstrates how individual perseverance and commitment to Christian ideals gives all of us hope and inspiration in troubled times. Every Catholic library and every significant public library in the country should have a copy of this balm in Gilead.
--Stephen J. Leonard, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of History at Metropolitan State University of Denver

"We live in strange and unpredictable times. Evidence that our world is a dangerous place is found in newspapers, on TV, radio and especially on social media. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are things we can do to change it, each in our own way. This book is an antidote to the negative and often violent social unrest witnessed the last several years. It offers hope and inspiration to bring about healing, reconciliation and peaceful change. It is the story of saints in our own time: Sister Thea Bowman, Dorothy Day, Saint Teresa of Calcutta and Nicholas Black Elk, as well as twelve others. It is a beautiful and inspiring book."
—Terry Polakovic, cofounder of Endow and author of Women of Hope: Doctors of the Church,  and Life and Love: Opening Your Heart to God's Design  

Catholic Heroes of Human & Civil Rights presents students with a chapter that is missing or incomplete in many history books. The compelling accounts of Catholics whose witness to the Jesus Christ was manifested in their witness to justice demonstrates that the principles of the civil and human rights movement are deeply embedded in the Church’s understanding of the nature and dignity of the human person. This work challenges young people to deepen their own witness to Jesus Christ, and in turn, to those who suffer injustice.”
—Mary Pat Donoghue, Executive Director of Secretariat of Catholic Education, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 


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