
Marriage (2nd Edition)

The Rock on Which The Family is Built



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Product Code:
0.6 (in)
Size (HxW):
8 x 5.3 (in)
Publication date:
August 21, 1995
9 oz
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Religious Ed

Product Overview

An Ignatius Press Reprint

Ignatius Press Reprints are identical in content with the most recent print edition of the original title. In order to keep important titles available at reasonable prices, we reprint them digitally in small quantities. We use high quality, acid-free paper, but the books are not smyth-sewn as is customary with our offset press print editions.


Is marriage the foundation of family life? Many people today would say, "No!" Others would say, "Yes!", but they would define "family" and "marriage" in ways at odds with how the words have been used almost throughout human history. In this revised and expanded edition of Marriage: The Rock on Which the Family is Built, internationally-renowned theologian William E. May makes the case for marriage's foundational role for family, with marriage defined as the union of one man and one woman. Drawing on Pope John Paul II's "theology of the body", he explains the person-affirming, love-enabling, life-giving, and sanctifying nature of marriage. He shows how marriage is necessarily a complementary union of man and woman and how this rules out the idea of "same-sex" marriage.

May argues, drawing on Popes Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, that marriage fully respects the equal dignity of husband and wife as persons, while recognizing their unique, exclusive, enduring, complementary contributions to their union. Likewise, he shows how marriage honors the truth that each new human life brought about by sexual union is a person equal in dignity to his mother and father. What's more, both reason and revelation are used to show that only the family, founded on marriage as an enduring, mutually-exclusive union of one man and one woman, provides the proper context for begetting and raising children.

Reproductive technologies are also critically examined and the author argues that human beings ought to be begotten in an act of spousal love, not made through in vitro fertilization. Furthermore, the role of the family as the "domestic church", a community of holiness, is explored. This expanded edition includes new chapters: "‘Man and Woman He Created Them': Pope John Paul II's Catechesis on Human Sexuality" and "Pope Benedict XVI and Marriage," the latter summarizing Benedict's thought on marriage, particularly as found in his first encyclical Deus Caritas Est. Also included is Pope John Paul II's "Letter to Families".


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  • 5
    A Must-Read for Building a Strong Family Foundation!

    Posted by Darren Sammy on Feb 22nd 2025

    William May’s Marriage (2nd Edition): The Rock on Which The Family is Built is an insightful and thought-provoking book that dives deep into the principles of a strong and lasting marriage. The author beautifully explains the importance of commitment, communication, and shared values, making this a must-read for couples at any stage of their journey. If you're planning a wedding, this book is a great companion to help lay the groundwork for a lifelong partnership. And for those preparing for their big day, don’t forget the details—like a beautifully printed Wedding Order of Service. You can check out for quick and high-quality printing to ensure everything is perfect for your ceremony. Highly recommended for engaged couples, newlyweds, and anyone looking to strengthen their relationship!