
The Way of Beauty

Liturgy, Education and Inspiration for Family, School, and College

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Product Details

Product Code:
0.6 (in)
Size (HxW):
9 x 6 (in)
Publication date:
March 31, 2017
14 oz
All Categories

Product Overview

In The Way of Beauty, David Clayton describes how a true Catholic education is both a program of liturgical catechesis and an inculturation that aims for the supernatural transformation of the person so that he can in turn transfigure the whole culture through the divine beauty of his daily action. Such enhanced activity then resonates in harmony with the common good and, through its beauty, draws all people to the Church—and ultimately to the worship of God in the Sacred Liturgy. Illustrated.

Editorial Reviews

"Since the good, the true, and the beautiful ar e a manifestation of the Trinity, it is always a grievous fault to leave beauty out of any discussion of the relationship between faith and reason. This being so, I am thrilled at the way David Clayton illustrates how beauty stands in eternal communion with the good and the true."
— Joseph Pearce, Author, Literary Converts

"In The Way of Beauty, David Clayton offers us a mini-liberal arts education. The book is a counter-offensive against a culture that so often seems to have capitulated to a 'will to ugliness.' He shows us the power in beauty not just where we might expect it--in the visual arts and music--but in domains as diverse as math, theology, morality, physics, astronomy, cosmology, and liturgy. But more than that, his study of beauty makes clear the connection between liturgy, culture, and evangelization, and offers a way to reinvigorate our commitment to the Good, the True, and the Beautiful in the twenty-first century. I am grateful for this book and hope many will take its lessons to heart."
— Jay W. Richards, Catholic University of America


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