
Going Deeper (Digital)

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The vast majority of human beings believe in a higher power, but few can ; clearly and articulately explain what they believe in or why. When it ; comes to explaining one's beliefs, most rely on intuition or personal experience, ; relegating faith to the realm of subjective judgment as opposed to objective truth. ;

In Going Deeper, Leo Severino presents a systematic, ; easy-to-; understand, journey that grounds the certitude of faith in logic and reason. ; The author maps out a train of thought that begins with everyday events, reasons ; its way through proofs of the existence of God, then goes on to describe the deep ; purpose inscribed in every human heart.

For those not well versed ; in theology or philosophy, this book is an accessible way to tether matters of faith ; to demonstrable premises and logical conclusions. For those with deeper ; theological formation, this book will provide fresh perspectives on the classic ; arguments that demonstrate how faith and reason go hand in hand.


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  • 5
    Going Deeper

    Posted by Kaitlyn Mason on Jan 22nd 2018

    Many claim that reason, logic, and have led them away from any possible faith in God, resulting in a deep-seeded atheism or agnosticism. Others are finding their faith shaken as they delve deeper into claims of science. In Going Deeper, Severino invites all to explore the depths of science, reason, and logic, & hold fast to what is true. He presents the idea that logic should lead us to reality & leads us through a quest for the ultimate truth in this series of mind puzzles. Puzzles build and finally crescendo to explain not only the existence of God, but the existence of His deep love for all. Severino’s unique background in philosophy, law, and filmmaking provides a fascinating undercurrent to his narration. With lively analogies that address a myriad of allegedly scientific and logic-based arguments against the existence of truth and God, he presents a fresh approach to the big questions in life. Readers/05/find themselves asking, “What if reason actually leads straight to God?"