
Reborn -- Home Edition (3 DVDs)

You, Your Child, and the Heart of Baptism



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Product Details

Product Code:
1.8 (in)
Size (HxW):
7.5 x 5.3 (in)
Publication date:
October 30, 2015
210 minutes
11 oz
All Categories
Religious Ed

Product Overview

Is Baptism a traditional rite, an important symbol, an excuse to celebrate the arrival of a baby with a family photo op? What if there is a lot more to baptism than you may realize? What if your child's spiritual life, happiness, and future hinges on what happens in baptism?

Reborn: You, Your Child, and the Heart of Baptism (Home Edition) is a new three-DVD video series that guides you through the relevance of the Sacrament of Baptism, going deep into the spiritual reality for everyone playing a part in this significant even in your child's life. With Reborn you'll see baptism's profound place in Scripture and Tradition, along with a step-by-step exploration of the rite itself. Every moment, every word, every action reveals the heart of God's love.

Give a Baptism gift that can change a life forever! There's plenty of chances to give knick-knacks and picture frames... consider a unique Baptism gift that could change everything for your loved ones.

Beautifully filmed, clearly taught, Reborn is the definitive preparation for this life-changing Sacrament. And now for only $39.95, you can share the gift of faith at a time when your loved ones are open to receive it!

Session Listing:

Session 1: A New Creation

Session 2: Entering The Mystery: The Rite Explained

Session 3: Nurturing the Life of Grace


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